Edinburgh 1787, Scotland, Robert Barker invents a totally new way to observe a city. With him, space, time and meaning are controlled and the audience gets for maybe the first time, the complete illusion of being immersed, invited, in a remote place. His invention will then know a great success and be spread all over the world. New technologies will enrich the process of immersion, the spectacular aspect of being elsewhere without moving. Until with our state of the art devices, we still experiment the same protocols that Barker and his followers. This wonderful space and time machine is a Panorama, and it simply changed the way we observe the world. Continuer la lecture de 360 vision, from panoramas to VR
Archives de catégorie : Naexus
Twinmotion 2018 – VR Panorama
3D-Photo – Visites 360
La Table des Marchands
La Table des Marchands et le Grand Menhir
Le Mané Lud