ComfyUI is a user interface framework designed to streamline the development of intuitive and visually cohesive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for software applications. It provides developers with a suite of pre-built components—such as buttons, sliders, and text fields—along with tools for customization and event handling. By abstracting much of the complexity involved in UI design, ComfyUI enables the creation of professional, user-friendly interfaces with greater efficiency, even for those with limited expertise in front-end development. Its focus on simplicity and functionality makes it a valuable resource for enhancing the usability and aesthetic quality of software applications.Continuer la lecture de IA-project workflow part07→
The site has the potential to accommodate a higher density of housing units. In this scenario, 290 dwellings are proposed in the form of small collective housing units. The transition from individual houses to small collective housing units will require careful consideration of various factors, such as building height, massing, and overall site organization.
In the initial stage, the available data will be uploaded into Autodesk Forma, setting the foundation for a thorough and informed design process. This includes relevant site information, such as topography, existing infrastructure, and environmental data, as well as any project-specific parameters and constraints.