Archives de catégorie : Grasshopper

Grasshopper, Urban Analysis, 3D Isovist

3D isovists

In this tutorial, the idea is to explore the potential of Isovist for urban analysis. Isovist is the surface or volume of space visible from a specific point. This concept has been proposed by Clifford Tandy in 1967 and then redefined by Michael Benedikt. Isovists are very useful to quantify the perception of urban spaces such as opening, closeness, and also useful to define urban envelopes. Isovists help to with non-intuitive solutions for complex problems.

Now we want to do the same in 3D. We will use the Ladybug components. We will use the LB visibility percent. Continuer la lecture de Grasshopper, Urban Analysis, 3D Isovist

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Exporting color scale renderings from Ladybug simulations outside of Rhino after baking can be challenging as most formats tend to lose the colored information. What steps can we take to address this issue?

Grasshopper result

Bake the results from Ladybug.

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Export the 3D file to WRML

Check Vertex Colors

Open Blender

Import the WRML file

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

The file arrives black

Change Material to Attribute to see the color gradient

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Transferring Attribute to Texture

First unwrap the geometry

Select shape -> UV Editing

Object Mode -> Edit Mode

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Be sure that all faces are selected (it should be orange)

UV -> Smart UV Project

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

In Shader Editor

Add a Color Attribute, Right Button click to reveal Col

Link Color to Base Color

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Add an Image Texture

Click New and choose 2048×2048 resolution

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Click OK

Switch Evee to Cycles

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Down to Bake

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Bake Type Diffuse

Contribution : Color

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Select Texture image panel AND Geometry and then click Bake.

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

It takes time…

Connect Texture Node to Base Color and activate Color Texture

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Secure save the image

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Reload if necessary

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Export file

Export Grasshopper LadyBug Simulations to Realtime platforms

Grasshopper – Parametric Bridge

The objective of this tutorial is to acquire fundamental knowledge of Grasshopper through a simple definition that employs various functions and components. The intention is to construct an entire bridge starting from a single point, which will be converted into lines, surfaces, volumes, and ultimately, a bridge. Since all the stages are parametric, it allows for endless possibilities to generate countless variations.

Bridge Length

Let’s start with a point set in {0,0,0}

The bridge will need 3 points, one to start, one to end, this will be the length of the bridge, and in between a point to design the curvature of the bridge. This point will be on the line drawn by the two others and will be able to move along the line and in height.

Now let’s create the point on the line

Add a Point on Curve

We have our 3 points.

Bridge height

The middle one will be raised create the arch. Then, a curve is created linking first, raised midpoint and last

Bridge width

The curve is copied horizontally to obtain the bridge width. This is done by moving the curve Y direction.

Add a Loft to create the bridge deck, Nota, the Relay is put to have a better presentation, create a Relay by double clicking on the Wire.

The bridge can have a thickness by extruding the loft surface.


Let’s first create the vertical bars that hold the handrail

Finish by transforming lines into solid objects. Here, extruded polygons are used, this is one solution among many. For the handrail, it’s also possible to use a Tube which is easier…but creates more polygons.


Whole definition

The bridge at its first definition is done


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to Follow…inserting Parametric Bridge Into Unity.