Light Simulation RGB additive with IES


In this tutorial, the idea is to verify if render software properly simulate colour mixing. For that, we will use, when possible, IES files in order to mimic as much as possible real phenomena. It extends and refreshes the previous tutorial on the same topic:

Colour mixing refers to Grassmann’s laws ( In colorimetry, Grassmann’s laws govern the superposition of colours. They serve as the foundation for all colorimetric calculations. Hermann Grassmann’s 19th-century studies of human colour perception led him to formulate three laws in his 1853 article « On the Theory of Colour Mixing. » (Grassmann, H. (1853). « Zur Theorie der Farbenmischung »). Continuer la lecture de Light Simulation RGB additive with IES

Grasshopper, Urban Analysis, 2D Isovist

In this tutorial, the idea is to explore the potential of Isovist for urban analysis. Isovist is the surface or volume of space visible from a specific point. This concept has been proposed by Clifford Tandy in 1967 and then redefined by Michael Benedikt. Isovists are very useful to quantify the perception of urban spaces such as opening, closeness, and also useful to define urban envelopes. Isovists help to with non-intuitive solutions for complex problems.

In this example, we will see how to set up an environment, then use a simple Isovist System, then a more complex one with Ladybug. Then we will see a non-intuitive question: where a very high tower can be seen in a dense urban context.

Let’s dive. Continuer la lecture de Grasshopper, Urban Analysis, 2D Isovist