Kifanlo part4 – Evaluating deformations from surface comparison

Boat Survey: Kifanlo parametric analysis


Built in 1955 in Les Sables d’Olonne, the KIFANLO was classified as a historical monument in 1984. She is one of the 16 identical hull trawlers launched by the Batifort shipyard between 1945 and 1957. The Kifanlo is a tuna trawler made of wood with mixed propulsion. She is 16.37 metres long, with a tonnage of 27.51 tons, and is equipped with a 120 hp Poyaud engine. (more at


The work is done with Rhino and Grasshopper in order to develop a tailored tool for 3D analysis.

This is an experimental approach to visualise deformations of the hull. The idea here is to compare both sides by symmetrising half of the hull.

Evaluating deformations

First, we simplify the model to have less polygons to calculate. We use QuadRemesh function in Rhino.

The hull is imported as Brep

A box is created from the Brep to create axes

Then we create the place that is right in the central axe of the Hull

A rectangle will be created from that plane in order to cut the hull into two

The Brep is cut

One have is symmetrised

Then the two half are deconstructed and compared. We calculate for each Centroid of one half the distance from the other half. If it’s very small it means that the deformation is not important, if it’s big, it means that there is an important deformation.

To visualise the results we colourise depending to the distance

Result in Sketchfab

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