Archives par mot-clé : blender

Spatial.Io Texture settings

Spatial offers several possibilities for High end real time online rendering. Let’s see how to prepare our 3D files to get the best of it. As it is trans software, we will use at least 4 of them in parallel to get the same results. Let’s remember, it’s not the software but the workflow that is taken into account.

We will start from this tutorial on the Spatial web page that helped us to start.

Basic geometry to start.

Let’s set up a basic scene for our tests : a wall, a floor, a cube, sphere, and Nefertiti (why not) downloaded here :

Continuer la lecture de Spatial.Io Texture settings

Corona Maze Runner

This tutorial implies the creation of a maze with Rhino Grasshopper and alternatively with Blender, than exporting and preparing the set in Unity. In Unity a NavMesh with IA will be implemented. Then a few scripts will allowed to set up a game experience that will be extended in Augmented Reality.

Continuer la lecture de Corona Maze Runner